Dockerized Supervision on Kubernetes with Kubevisor

David Delassus
3 min readMar 24, 2021


Link Society started 4 years ago. Jonathan Labéjof and myself have been working together for at least 3 years at the time.

We started the company with no precise goal, we just wanted a legal structure if any of our work could generate revenue.

Today, I’m proud to announce that, after 1 year of development, our first product, Kubevisor, is ready!

As engineers (full stack devops [insert more buzzwords here]), one of our main pain points was the monitoring of our applications and infrastructure.

We identified two ways of dealing with monitoring:

Collecting Metrics

The workflow is simple:

  • make your application produce metrics about its business logic (number of orders, user activity, …)
  • collect metrics from your infrastructure (CPU/RAM usage, storage space, latency, …)
  • push those metrics to a dedicated service (Prometheus, InfluxDB, ELK, …)
  • configure thresholds for your metrics
  • visualize everything in dashboards like Grafana

This workflow gives you plenty of insights about “why” problems happen, and with the help of Machine Learning, you can even predict changes in your metrics.

Infrastructure Management Systems like Kubernetes often integrate with some of those monitoring solutions to facilitate the developer’s work.

Periodically check your infrastructure

The workflow is as follows:

  • identify the properties you want to check about your application or infrastructure (responses to HTTP requests, content of your Database, …)
  • configure a check scheduling tool (Nagios, Icinga, Shinken, Zabbix, …) to verify those properties
  • notify your teams as soon as something wrong happen

This workflow enables you to react quickly “when” problems happen.

So far, none of the tools mentioned above integrates well with Kubernetes, whose main job is to schedule and scale workload.

This is how Kubevisor came to be.

Kubevisor, the Kubernetes Supervisor, to the rescue

As a Kubernetes Operator, Kubevisor takes care of the configuration and the scheduling, and then delegates the monitoring workload (checks and notifications) to TektonCD and Kubernetes.

This allows your monitoring infrastructure to grow and scale alongside your application.

Kubevisor introduces 3 concepts:

  • a Unit: the most basic element of your monitoring, this describes the check that needs to be performed, and when it should be performed
  • a Reactor: this is the notification system that needs to be triggered whenever a Unit has been executed
  • an Inhibitor: this completes the scheduling model of Kubevisor, it allows you to skip your Unit’s execution during recurrent time periods.

By presenting itself as a Kubernetes Operator, Kubevisor provides those concepts as Kubernetes Custom Resources, integrating itself by default with tools like Helm, FluxCD, or ArgoCD (often found in businesses using Kubernetes).

Simplicity & Interoperability is the key

Kubevisor aims to be as simple as possible, this is why most of its features come from its dependencies:

  • TektonCD to bring your units and reactors in a pipeline
  • RabbitMQ to schedule the execution of said pipelines
  • Kubernetes to run the workload of said pipelines
  • GraphQL API to expose your configuration to any authorized client and/or frontends

The overhead of running your checks and notifications as Docker containers is compensated by the interoperability it brings: any Docker image can be used as a check or a notification, therefore any system can be interrogated and/or notified.

Getting Started

Kubevisor is distributed as an Helm Chart. After using it internally during our Quality Assurance phase (4 months), we are eager to get feedback and run it in the real world!

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David Delassus
David Delassus

Written by David Delassus

CEO & Co-Founder at Link Society

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